Nov 28, 2023 - 15:27
Bhubaneswar(28/11/2023): The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is the repository of all the service records and personal information of the Odisha government employees.
Government of Odisha vide Finance Department Letter No-22118/F Dt.05.08.2023 has made it mandatory for online processing of pension papers using IFMS platform from 01.10.2023.
As a part of 5T initiatives, it has been decided to push the HRMS data to relevant fields of the pension form through API integration to facilitate easy preparation of pension papers.
Auto-filling up of complete pension paper by pooling data from HRMS profile of the employees concerned, necessitated creation of some additional fields in the HRMS profile of the Government employees.
The gap between the information required and the existing information available in HRMS profile was analysed and the required additional fields such as cadre, complete Address, Nominee Details, Family Details etc.
have been created.
Filling up of all the required data in relevant fields in HRMS profile by the employees will facilitate auto- generation of their pension papers.
All employees are encouraged to update their Aadhaar number as well as Aadhaar-linked mobile number in HRMS application of CMGI for expeditious processing and disposal of pension cases online.
The facility for updation of the profile in HRMS will be opened till 15.01.2024.
The user manual for data updation in HRMS application is also circulated alongwith the letter issued to all departments.
The data updation in profile module for the HRMS users will be available from 01.12.2023 to 15.01.2024.
In this context, Government in GA&PG Department has requested all heads of departments, all commissions of the State under their control to update their profile information in HRMS application (https://apps.hrmsodisha.gov.in).
The information furnished by individual employees is to be validated by their respective Establishment Officers/ DDO/Authorized Officer .