Bhubaneswar (30/12/2023): The 15th Tribal Youth Exchange Programme's closing ceremony was organized at KIIT University in Bhubaneswar on Saturday. Nehru Yuva Kendra Khordha under the aegis of Nehru yuva Kendra sangathan Odisha, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India has organised the 15th Tribal Youth Exchange Programme at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
As many as 200 youths from various Left Wing Extremism affected districts of Jharkhand and Bihar participated in the programme.
It was a residential programme for 7 days, which aims to develop their personality, socio-economic and skill development through different schemes of both State and Central Government.
It also aims to sensitize the tribal youth about their rich traditional and Cultural Heritage, enable them to preserve it for future generation and to bring the tribal youth into the main source of Nation building. The dignitaries present were Chief Guest- Dr Abhaya Kumar Nayak,Registrar,NISER ,DAE,Government of India -Dr Tapas Kumar Samantaray,Assistant Director, Ministry of Culture,Government of India,Jnanendu Mohapatra,ALT Director,Kalinga Hospital Bhubaneswar, Dr Gaganendu Dash,Director General Sports & Yoga, KIIT & KISS University, Pardeep Kumar, District Youth Officer, NYK Angul Vipin Kumar, DYO, NYK Khordha The Chief Guest motivated the participants to actively take part in Nation Building activities & get inspiration from every moment spent in Odisha during their 7 days program,to take part in India@2047 goal to make India a fully developed Nation by 2047. During these 7 days, the participants interacted with the dignitaries, resource persons, constitutional authorities during their sessions in KIIT Campus.
A two-day field visit was also planned for the participants for Puri, Konark, Group Centre CRPF, KISS & major sports conclave at KIIT.
Apart from this, daily Yoga classes in the morning, Swachhta & Shramdan and plantation organised during the program.
In house declamation contest on Patriotism & Nation Building & Cultural Competition (with cash prizes for first three winners & two consolation cash prizes in both competitions) also organized during the program.All the participants were more than happy after participating in the program and they carried the message of Unity in Diversity ,learnt about the rich heritage & culture of Odisha,interacted with eminent personalities and witnessed a mega sports conclave where they heard Olympian Sports Icons of the country.They also got a chance to Interact with Prof.Achyuta Samanta, Member of Parliament and Founder of KIIT & KISS and took his kind blessings.