Jan 28, 2024 - 23:24

Bhubaneswar (28/01/2024): By Dr Meghna Singhal- The Therapist Mommy, PhD Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychologist & Relationship Therapist: The things we often overlook talking about with our partner are the VERY things we need to be talking about...on a regular ongoing basis. Yes, no one likes having hard conversations- But talking about these things can often make or break our relationship. Here are some of the conversations we SHOULD be having with our partner:1.Financial realities. Who earns more? If we earn equally, do we split all the expenses 50/50? How much do we allocate for kitchen expenditure, savings, kids, entertainment, and travel expenses? If one partner earns more, how should we divide the finances? Does the other partner who earns less feel they have an EQUAL say in important decisions? Or in your marriage, does money = authority? 2.Values we raise our kids with- What routine will we want our kids to have? What time do we want them to sleep? How were we ourselves raised- and what parts of that do we want to instil in our kids? What behaviours do we want our kids to display? (and what are we modelling to them?).. What values do we raise them with? Discuss your top 5 values with your partner (and have them tell you their top 5 values) and together come up with 5 top values for your family. 3.Expectations regarding sex- How do we each feel connected? How do we feel intimate? Keep an open line of communication about your wants, needs, desires, and expectations.....this will ensure that you both remain connected and fulfilled intimately. What connection rituals do we want to develop? 4.Household duties- Who's going to do what (and when)? Who has more time? Who enjoys some chores more? Diving the household responsibilities in the most effective ways require you both to talk about this regularly- tell your partner what's working with you and what isn't and how you'd like to change it up. 5.Family expectations Discuss and set expectations regarding- -who will take care (financially and emotionally) which side of parents? -who will participate in family events? (and who's responsible for invites/gifts/arrangements etc) - who will handle medical duties for which parents? etc When you're on top of these conversations, you can ensure that you operate as a TEAM!.