Chief Secretary reviews in all secretaries meeting

Achievements, Fiscal performance of the State and individual departments discussed

Oct 5, 2023 - 18:27
Chief Secretary reviews in all secretaries meeting

Bhubaneswar , 5th October,2023,
 Chief Secretary, Odisha Sri Pradeep Kumar Jena reviewed in a meeting of all secretaries held at Kharavela Bhawan on Wedness day. Development Commissioner-cum-ACS Smt.Anu Garg, all Addl. Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and Commissioner-cum Secretaries of different departments were present in the meeting and participated in the discussion. In the meeting held, achievement of different departments for the month of September 2023 have been reviewed. Fiscal Performance of the State and individual departments during first half of FY 2023-24 were discussed, including progress of expenditures of DMF & OMBADC Fund.
 Total expenditure as percentage of Budget provision is 34.87% compared to 25.61% during the same period previous year. Sector wise programme expenditure was reviewed. Fisheries & ARD Department has achieved a growth of 158% over the previous year expenditure during the same period of previous year. In Infrastructure sector, Enery department has achieved highest growth of 2400 per cent over the previous year. Own Tax revenue has experienced significant growth of 14.59% up to September, 2023 over the previous year mainly on account of good performance by GST and ED.
 As the Appropriation Bill for the Supplementary Budget, 2023-24 has been voted by the Assembly and enacted on 3rd October, 2023, all the departments have been instructed to take expeditious steps to utilize the additional provisions without resorting to unnecessary parking outside State Exchequer. Disposal of pension cases was also discussed in details and advised to expedite the process. Follow up action on issues discussed in All Secretaries meeting and Collectors’ Conference held during the month of September ware also reviewed.