First Academic Council Meeting held

Nov 15, 2024 - 22:06
First Academic Council Meeting held
Bhubaneswar (15/11/2024): The first meeting of the Academic Council of Dharanidhar University was held at the institution’s North Campus on Friday.
The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the university and is responsible for maintenance of standards of instruction, education and examination within the university and its affiliated colleges, and comprises of officials and faculty members from within the university, its affiliated colleges and academics from other universities.
The meeting of Dharanidhar University’s academic council was held to discuss various academic matters such as NEP syllabus, conduct of examinations, framing of PhD guidelines, research and development policy of the University, merger of the erstwhile MSCBU 2nd Campus with Dharanidhar University, floating new curriculum, among others.
The meeting was presided over by the OSD-cum-Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor Pratap Kumar Mohanty, who read out a brief report apprising the council of the various developments that have taken place in the past one year.
Prof.Mohanty invited Chairman PG Council Dr Prabhu Prasad Das, Registrar Dukhabandhu Nayak (OAS), Controller of Examinations Pradeep Kumar Panda and Director, R& D Cell Dr Sridhar Sanyasi to move agenda items on various matters before the council for its approval.
Heads and coordinators of various departments of the University, principals of affiliated colleges, Professor Shreerup Goswami of Utkal University and Professor Anil K Mahapatra of F.M.University attended the meeting as members of the council.
The meeting ended with a formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr Rudrakanta Majhee, Deputy Controller of Examinations.