Feb 21, 2024 - 22:35
Bhubaneswar (21/02/2024): Odisha Special Relief Commissioner (SRC) Satyabrata Sahu on Wednesday wrote to all district collectors suggesting preparedness and precautionary measures to be taken to tackle heat wave situation during summer, 2024. A Heat Wave Action Plan will be developed by OSDMA delineating the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for different Departments, District Administrations and others to mitigate the heat wave situations which shall be shared with all Departments and Districts for implementation. Since the summer season is fast approaching, the SRC requested the collectors to take immediate steps to put in place all preparedness and precautionary measures at different levels in your district to meet the possible heat wave situations.
Public awareness is the key to check heat wave related illness and casualties.
Hence, awareness campaigns may be taken up immediately to make the people aware about the risks associated with heat wave, identifying the risk, "Do's and Don'ts" to protect the human being and livestock from the said risks and what to do if someone is affected.
Civil Society Organizations may be widely involved in awareness campaign. On receipt of heat wave warning messages, besides other modes of communication, local media should be used to keep the public alert. Water scarcity is often associated with heat wave situation which needs special attention.
The District Administration is required to take advance steps to identify the water scarcity pockets (village/ hamlet/ ward wise) and prepare action plan for ensuring supply of water for drinking and other uses through tanker to those areas. Reports of water scarcity are to be responded to immediately. Preventive maintenance of tube wells and piped water supply systems should start immediately, if not already taken up.
Necessary arrangements may be put in place for attending to the complaints on functioning of tube wells and piped water supply systems. Water Resources Department will take steps to release water through canals from reservoirs depending on requirement. "Paniya Jala Seva Kendras" (Drinking Water Kiosks) are required to be opened by Urban Local Bodies/ Gram Panchayats at market places, bus stands and other congregation points.
Water provided in such water kiosks must be of portable quality and proper sanitation maintained including use of long handle dispensers and change of water daily.
Sincere and willing Civil Society Organisations may be associated for this task.
Agencies doing such work only for self publicity and discontinuing the same after initial days should be avoided and dealt with strongly. The Urban shelters, community buildings and other public buildings in rural and urban areas may be used as day time shelters for homeless/ needy people for their rest during day time.
Separate arrangements for men and women may be made as far as possible.
Safe drinking water and ORS sachets for the people may be arranged in the shelters.
Panchayatiraj & Drinking Water Department and Housing & Urban Development Department may issue detailed instructions in this regard. Construction/ repair of shallow vats may also be ensured for roaming livestock. Fisheries & Animal Resource Development Department may take up suitable IEC measures on care of animals during summer to prevent them from heat wave. In Schools, Colleges and other Academic/ Technical institutions, extra care has to be taken to ensure availability of drinking water.
Wherever required, tube wells inside the school campus may be repaired to ensure uninterrupted drinking water supply. Sufficient ORS are also to be kept in Schools, Colleges and provided to students/ staff requiring the same.
Outdoor activities have to be restricted so as the students not to be exposed to heat wave condition. Most importantly, all the parents should be sensitized to ensure that their children carry a water bottle while going to school/ college.
This should be sufficiently publicized to create awareness among the parents. Schools may also be advised to allocate some time during school hours to give heat wave precautionary tips to the students.