Bhubaneswar(06/03/2024): As part of sensitization activities of CSIR-IMMT: InTEC has organized an one day skill development program on essentials of patents with the theme “IP for ALL” with a combination of lectures, practical hands-on and interactive sessions covering the major aspects of Patents.
This workshop is attended by 400participants, including students, faculty, researchers, scientists, industry professionals and others from various sectors/ organizations and places of Odisha reflecting to the theme of the workshop IP for ALL.
The dignitaries of the program, Er H K Tripathy, Senior most Scientist; Dr D S Rao, Head-HRD; Er Jayanta Mallick, Head-PME; Dr S K Pradhan, Coordinator- CSIR-Skill Initiative and Dr T Pavan Kumar, Convener and program instructor have detailed on the various activities of CSIR-IMMT and InTEC in specific and also stressed on the importance of IP in today’s global scenario.
Dr Ramanuj Narayan, Director, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar has appreciated the efforts of the entire organizing team and emphasized on various possibilities for potential contributions towards innovations and IPRs and further he has highlighted the importance of integrating IP with the regular activities and its impact for coming generations.
Three new startup were incubated at InTEC and the induction certificate/s were awarded to the on this occasion.
All the participants have expressed their happiness for the kind of training obtained through this SDP and appreciated the efforts of CSIR-IMMT.
Representatives from several organizations have expressed their interest for the joint conduct of such programs in regular intervals, which itself is a direct attestation to the success of this SDP on essentials of Patents. Innovative Technology Enabling Center -InTEC is an incubation facility at CSIR-IMMT, recognized by startup Odisha currently hosting about 15 startups and has conducted about 60 programs on Innovation &IPR and sensitized about 130000 enthusiasts on this topic of global importance.
Recently InTEC has initiated a program named MAITRI = Mentoring Academic Interventions for Technological Research and Innovation to connect academia-research and industry and about 45 HEIs are associated till date.
Overall, CSIR-IMMT could file about 20 new IPRs (patents and designs) in last one year in addition to the existing numbers .