Kranti organises breast cancer awareness programme

Oct 30, 2024 - 21:27
Kranti organises breast cancer awareness programme
Berhampur (30/10/2024): October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, often referred to as "Pink October".
In this context, a motivational and informative breast cancer awareness programme has been organized at the Government ITI Auditorium Berhampur of Ganjam district in collaboration with the leading voluntary organisation Kranti, Berhampur and Government ITI and Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital and Research Center, Visakhapatnam.
Nowadays, breast cancer has become a headache.
In some cases, the disease can be cured by timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Awareness can beat this disease.
The main objective of the program was to raise awareness about breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, and to empower individuals, especially women, with important knowledge.
The awareness programme was organized with the message "Breast cancer is not a death sentence but a challenge that with proper support and awareness a cancer free India is possible!!!" The programme was conducted under the chairmanship of Dr.Debananda Dash.
Before the programme began, Dr.Das welcomed everyone and introduced the guests. Nirmala Das, member of Karanti , welcomed the guests by offering "Upadhaukan" and flower bouquets.
First, ITI Principal Ranjan Kumar Parida gave a comprehensive information on breast cancer and advised the students to be aware and to make others aware.
One of the guests in this breast cancer awareness programme was Dr.P.Srilekha, Gynecologist at the MKCG Medical College and Hospital, who spoke on "Breastfeeding and Cancer Risk".
The risk of breast cancer is significantly reduced by breastfeeding.
Menstrual discharge at a young age, infertility, late pregnancy, obesity, eating fatty foods can cause breast cancer.
Therefore, if the disease is detected early and treated properly, the patient can be cured, said Dr.Srilekha.
Explained. Chief Radiation Oncology Doctor, Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital and Research Center, Visakhapatnam, Dr.Kanhu Charan Patro and Clinical Hematologist Dr.Aeshrat Bano called for awareness about the cause, diagnosis and society which later takes the form of cancer.
Women can fight the disease by being aware and rising above public shame and seeking medical help.
Discussed the risk factors, early detection and prevention.
Although there have been many advances in the field of medicine nowadays, there is still a fear of cancer among the common people.
Modern medical advancements and regular screenings have made the current treatment very easy and successful.
Department of Commerce, Khallikote Unitary University Assistant Professor and cancer survivor Anita Kumari Patro shared her experience of surviving breast cancer and advised the students to continue awareness.
The theme of Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024 is 'No One Faces Breast Cancer Alone'.
Speaking on the occasion, Swami Nirliptaananda, Chinmay Mission, revealed how cancer can be cured through spirituality.
In this context, Dr.Dash of Kranti, suffering from cancer, shared his experience and how cancer treatment is now very easy and a patient from it.
Survivable Breast cancer is not a death sentence but a challenge that with proper support and awareness a cancer free India is possible!!! He gave this message.
Kranti members Nirmala Das, Snigdha Rani Maharana, Sanjay Patra and Government ITI staff Ratikant Parida, Ranjan Mallik, Samrat Naik, Swapna Swain, Samikhya Mohanty were major contributors of this programme.