37th Annual State Level Convention 2023 by Odisha Assembly of Small And Medium Enterprise (OASME) Bhubaneswar(13/08/2023) : The 37th Annual State Level Convention 2023 of Odisha Assembly of Small And Medium Enterprise (OASME) was held at Jaydev Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on Saturday. The Convention was inaugurated by Prof.Ganeshi Lal, Governor, Odisha in presence of Hemant Sharma, Principal Secretary, Industries Department, Odisha, Md.Sadique Alam, Director of Industries, Odisha, P.
K.Gupta, IEDS, Joint Director & HOO, MSME DFO, Ministry of MSME, Government of India, Cuttack, Gauri Sankar Dash, Chairman, OASME, Satwik Swain, Secretary General (Hony.), OASME and the members of OASME Abhilash Dash, Adikand Rout, Pratishruti Jena and Jyotirmoyee Mohanty, Deba P Mishra. Satwik Swain, Secretary General (Hony.), OASME presented the Annual Report of OASME.
Governor Prof.Ganeshi Lal appealed all the youths to be a part of state's development.
Youths play a crucial role in the state as well as country's development, he added. Addressing the gathering Hemant Sharma said, "Entrepreneurs will be provided with all sort of opportunities by the state government.
I am very happy to participate in this program." Odisha Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises (OASME) was established in year 12th August, 1985 with the concept of providing common forum for Cottage, Handicraft, Small and Medium Enterprises of the State of Odisha.
Its an apex Association of Industries recognized by the Government of Odisha, championing the cause of Micro, Small, Medium, Handicraft and Cottage sector industries of the State.
Being a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), it has been protecting the mutual interest of the above sectors of industries.
This Association has achieved outstanding success by creating profound impact on various polices, strategies and procedures put on the anvil by the Central as well as State Government for promotion of the above sectors. Gauri Sankar Dash, Chairman, OASME highlighted the importance of marketing support to MSMEs.
Satwik Swain said, "Today is OASME's 37th foundation day.
Many leading companies attended this conclave.
Along with this, very high level dignitaries also participated with us.
Through this conclave we provide various opportunities to entrepreneurs.
The government also provided a perfect platform for the entrepreneurs. OASME Award 2023 was presented to 14 achievers for their outstanding achievements in their respective field.
OASME’s most prestigious SATYA SWAIN MEMORIAL AWARD for lifetime achievement is conferred to Pandit Chaitanya Kumar Sahoo, Managing Partner of M/s.Siddhidurga Engineering, Industrial Estate, Cuttack for his continuous 45 years of persist efforts in successfully running his industry. Best Medium Enterprise award was given to Chandra Prakash Bhartia, Managing Director, M/s.Jagdamba Polymers Pvt.Ltd.
Best Small Enterprise was given to Satish Mittal, Director, M/s.Mangal Murti Seeds Pvt.Ltd. Best Micro Enterprise was given to Santosh Kumar Pradhan, Proprietor, M/s.S.R.Industries. Best Women Entrepreneur (Small) was given to Sovana Giri, Proprietress, M/s.Debashree Traders. Best Women Entrepreneur (Micro) was given to Santa Baliarsingh and Rita Baliarsingh, Partners, Chocolaca Enterprises LLP. Best Women Entrepreneur (Service) was given to Smruti Ranjita Dash, Managing Director, M/s.ASAP.IN Best Service Enterprise (Small) was given to M/s.Innovize Thermal Solutions Anwesha Rout, Managing Partner Sankarpour, Diha Sahi, Arunodaya Market, Cuttack Best Service Enterprise (Micro Enterprise) was given to Monalisa Panda, Managing Director, M/s.Sai Biocare Pvt.Ltd. Best Mother Plant was given to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.Paradeep Refinery Unit, Jhimani, Jagatsinghpur. BEST MSME PROMOTIONAL OFFICER award was given to Dr.Shibananda Nayak, Assistant Director (EI) MSME DFO, Ministry of MSME, Government of India & Balabhadra Nayak, General Manager, District Industries Center, Mayurbhanj. Best Promising Young Entrepreneur was given to Abhiraj Saraf, Founder, M/s.Ebla Enterprises Best Start Up was conferred on Dharam Chand Patnaik, Co-founder, CFO, FYDO, Bhubaneswar. The Award giving ceremony was followed by 2 technical sessions.
In the first session Badrinath Mishra, VP, Network Expansion, ONDC delivered a talk on the ONDC outreach event.
The second session was held on “Business Accelerator Programme for SC/ST and women Entrepreneurs with CPSEs of Odisha” Annual general body meeting of OASME was held in the evening followed by cultural programmes by the OASME family members.