Paddy Procurement review meeting held for Kharif Season

Bhubaneswar(17/11/2024): Under the chairmanship of the Odisha Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment and Energy Kanak Bardhan Singhdeo, an inter-ministerial review meeting was held today at Lok Seva Bhawan in Bhubaneswar regarding the paddy procurement for the Kharif season this year.
Preparations for Paddy procurement have reached the final stage. Deputy CM Singhdeo emphasized on expediting the process of paddy procurement as the dates approaching and stopping all kinds of irregularities, brokering, katni chhatni and providing fair price to the farmers for their crops.
The paddy procurement will start from Bargarh and Sambalpur from November 20 and 22. According to information, 800 rupees per quintal additional input assistance with the minimum support price for paddy has been provided for the first time.
Its disbursement will be inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister from Sohela of Bargarh district on December 8.
All the farmers who have sold paddy in the mandies till December 7 will get 800 rupees per quintal at one go. Automatic grain analyzer will be used for grain quality testing.
These automatic grain analyzer machines have already been provided for installation in 200 large PPCs with a paddy collection capacity of more than 4000 metric tons.
Moisture testing machine has also been arranged along with it. Singhdeo advised the millers to be present in the mandi to stop the Katni Chhatni.
Each district will have a control room system for the convenience of farmers.
The entire process will be done transparently.
For this, nodal officer, supervisor has been appointed at Mandi. Minister of Food Supply & Consumer Affairs Krushna Chandra Patro, Minister of Cooperation Pradip Bal Samant, Principal Secretary Sanjay Kumar Singh, Commissioner cum Secretary Rajesh Pravakar Patil were present in the high level meeting.