Sanjay Bhatt
(In the bustling city of London, Prafulla Mohanti spins tales with his pen and paints dreams with his brush. A luminary straddling both literature and visual art, Prafulla Mohanti embodies the convergence of creativity and cultural heritage.
Originally from India ( odisha , nanpur), Prafulla Mohanti has transformed London into his canvas, infusing it with the vibrant hues of his homeland. An icon of the Neo-Tantric Art movement, he merges tradition with modernity, casting a spell on viewers with each stroke.
Prafulla Mohanti's brush dances across canvases, infusing them with the mystical essence of Neo-Tantric motifs fused seamlessly with London's contemporary vibe. His written words flow like melodies, resonating with the wisdom of a seasoned storyteller, transcending boundaries and borders.
His artistic journey is a pilgrimage through realms of imagination and cultural synthesis. In London's beating heart, Prafful Mohanti not only paints images but also weaves narratives that embody the harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, leaving an enduring impression on the tapestry of creativity.)
Prafulla Mohanti, a luminary born amidst the vibrant tapestry of Odisha in 1936, embodies a fusion of cultural heritage and global exposure. His odyssey began with academic pursuits, culminating in a graduation from Bombay University and a transformative sojourn at Leeds University in the UK, where he delved into the realm of town planning while nurturing his artistic prowess.
Rooted in his childhood memories, Prafful Mohanti's art reflects an intimate connection with his origins. The rhythmic patterns of mud chalk circles, etched upon the earth in playful innocence, metamorphose into a sophisticated symphony of strokes on his canvases. These circles, reminiscent of his mother's vermillion bindi, become portals to the cosmos, imbued with the essence of Odia mysticism.
In prafulla Mohanti's abstract landscapes, the bindu emerges as a primal motif, symbolizing the void from which creation springs forth. Floating azure clouds and expansive oceans converge, evoking a sense of boundless serenity and profound interconnectedness.
Prafull Mohanti's artistic journey transcends geographical boundaries, with exhibitions gracing prestigious galleries across Europe, America, Japan, and India. His oeuvre finds a cherished place in esteemed collections, from The British Museum in London to the Museum of Modern Art in Berkeley, bearing testament to his global resonance.
Beyond his artistic endeavors,prafulla Mohanti channels his passion for social change through philanthropy, spearheading initiatives through his NGO in Odisha. Despite residing primarily in London, his spirit remains tethered to his homeland, as he continues to draw inspiration from its rich tapestry while laboring tirelessly in his home studio.
Prafulla Mohanti, a maestro of the canvas and a harbinger of cultural synthesis, weaves narratives that transcend time and space, inviting viewers into a realm where the mundane dissolves into the sublime.