Oct 13, 2023 - 03:03

Bhubaneswar: 13/10/2023:

(Sanjay Bhatt)

In Odia's gentle embrace, he penned with grace, Ramakant Ratha, a poet of profound space. Padma Bhushan honor, his laurels did chase, For his verses, Shree Radha, a poetic embrace.

In words he wove, emotions did unfurl, Odia's beauty and culture, his lyrical pearl. With ink and quill, his passion would swirl, Ramakant Ratha, in poetry's vibrant whirl.

A poet renowned, with wisdom and flair, His verses, like whispers in the Odia air. Shree Radha's story, he'd tenderly declare, In the world of letters, he was truly rare.

So let us remember this poet of fame, Ramakant Ratha, with an enduring name. In Odia's heart, he forever will claim, A place of honor in its poetic flame.



Padma vushan Ramakanta Rath, a luminary in the world of Odia literature, has woven the tapestry of his words into a legacy that transcends time. Born on December 13, 1934, in the historic city of Cuttack, Odisha, Rath embarked on a literary journey that would leave an indelible mark on the literary landscape of India.

Immersed in the rich tapestry of his poetic expressions, Rath drew inspiration from literary giants like T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, venturing fearlessly into uncharted waters of form and style. His canvas was vast, his palette diverse, as he explored the profound mysteries of existence. The mystical, the enigmatic dance of life and death, the quiet solitude of the human soul, and the relentless pursuit of materialism and desire—these were the threads that wove his poetic tapestry.

In the verses that flowed from his pen, one could discern a sense of melancholy, an elegy to the inevitability of mortality, and a poignant reflection on the futility of it all. Yet, in this melancholic symphony, Rath refused to don the robes of a moral preacher; his poetry was a mirror to the human condition, not a sermon on righteousness.

His words Does not mere letters but symbols that unlocked doors to the spiritual and metaphysical realms of life. With intellect as sharp as a finely honed blade, Rath transcend the boundaries of ordinary human thought, ascending to the loftiest peaks of intellectualism.

His literary canvas is as diverse as the shades of life itself. From his modernist interpretation of the ancient Sanskrit literature's protagonist, Radha, in "Sri Radha," to the perennial and haunting awareness of mortality encapsulated in "Saptama Ritu" (The Seventh Season), Rath's poetry encompassed the entire spectrum of human experience.

Beyond his role as a poet, Rath wore many hats, including a distinguished career in the Indian Administrative Service. He held pivotal positions in both the Central Government and his home state of Odisha, retiring as the Chief Secretary of the state. His accolades and honors, including the Sahitya Akademi Award, Saraswathi Samman, Bishuba Samman, and the prestigious Padma Bhushan, bore witness to his exceptional contributions to literature and society.

Not content with merely enriching Odia literature, Rath's work resonated with readers across India and beyond, thanks to translations that bridged linguistic divides. His legacy endures, a testament to the enduring power of words to transcend time and touch the deepest recesses of the human soul.

As we celebrate the life and literary journey of Padma Vibhushan Ramakanta Rath, we are reminded that in his verses, we find not just words but a profound reflection of the human experience, an eternal resonance that continues to captivate hearts and minds.