Sep 27, 2023 - 20:12
Bhubaneswar(27/09/2023): In a remarkable display of educational exchange and collaboration, six teachers and two administrators from the Residential Bridge School in Singla, operated by Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, visited Gram Vikas High School, Kankia (GVHS) on the 21st and 22nd of July 2023.
This visit, organized to foster mutual learning and collaboration, has shed light on the innovative and impactful educational practices undertaken by these institutions in India. Gram Vikas Residential Schools have long been recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality and up-to-date education to children from adivasi communities, making a significant impact on the education sector in India.
This visit marks a meaningful step towards sharing knowledge and experiences in an effort to further enhance the educational landscape in the country. During their stay, the visiting team from the Residential Bridge School in Singla engaged in fruitful interactions with the teachers and students of GVHS.
They were given the opportunity to explore various state-of-the-art facilities at GVHS, including Kalpanadham, the Oracle computer lab, and the Atal Tinkering Lab.
Additionally, they spent valuable time interacting with the primary school students, gaining insights into the teaching and learning methods employed at GVHS. Barefoot College, also known as the Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC), was founded in 1972 in the Ajmer district of Rajasthan with a noble mission to bridge the inequality gap, demystify technology, and empower marginalized communities by equipping them with technology skills, irrespective of their limited educational background. The Residential Bridge School in Singla, operated by Barefoot College, caters to students from Classes 1 to 5 and boasts a 100-seated hostel to accommodate students from marginalized families.
Many of the school's students come from migrant-dependent families, leading to regular challenges in student retention. Over the years, Barefoot College has made significant strides in its mission.
The organization now conducts literacy classes, health campaigns, water resource programs, and study centers for the rural community of Singla, Rajasthan. Manohar Lal, a Hindi teacher at the Residential Bridge School, expressed his admiration for the dedication of GVHS teachers to their roles, noting their practice of spending extra time coaching students before and after regular school hours.
He extended an invitation to the teachers of GVHS to visit their school in Singla and experience their teaching methods firsthand. Radharamani Beura, the headmistress of GVHS and a social studies teacher, highlighted the visiting team's interest in the challenges faced by rural Odisha regarding primary education, student dropouts, and the school's admission process.
She also mentioned their curiosity about Barefoot College's plantation activities and water management practices. To appreciate the visit and showcase their vibrant culture, the students of GVHS organized a cultural event that not only entertained but also engaged the visitors, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendship between the two schools The interaction between Gram Vikas High School, Kankia, and the Residential Bridge School in Singla has fostered a spirit of collaboration and knowledge exchange that will undoubtedly benefit both institutions in their respective missions of providing quality education and uplifting their communities.
This visit serves as a testament to the power of educational exchange and the commitment of these schools to make a positive impact on the lives of students and communities they serve. Gram Vikas, a community development organisation working in Odisha and Jharkhand since 1979, empowers rural poor and Adivasi communities by building their capacities, strengthening community institutions, and mobilising resources.
With a vision of achieving an equitable and sustainable society where people live in peace with dignity, Gram Vikas has touched the lives of over 600,000 individuals across 1700 habitations in 27 districts of Odisha and Jharkhand. For more information, please visit the official website of Gram Vikas at www.gramvikas.org .