An unforgettable meeting
Manas ranjan mohapatra
I sent a post card letter way back in 1981 to Dr Bansidhar Panda , the first known industrialist of international fame from Odisha seeking an appointment. He was the first highest qualified Metallurgy Expert from Odisha.He was then Chairman, IMFA Group of Companies. I was not hoping a reply as many such letters to many people remained unanswered by then.
A week later I got a reply from the then Manager, Public Relations of IMFA to come for a personal talk to IMFA office at Bomikhal, Bhubaneswar on a specified date and time.The letter was signed by non others than Dr Panda.
The date approached.I reached IMFA office.
I was asked to sit in a room. Then, somebody came with a cup of tea.
After a few minutes I was asked to go to a specific room.It was the room of Manager, Public Relations.
- ‘So, you wrote to Dr Panda ‘, the gentleman asked.
- Yes Sir..
He looked at me with affection and said, ‘You look to be very young. How old are you?’
-‘ I am 20 Sir’,I said.
- Then you are under age . Minimum age for a job is 21 now.( It was till Rajiv Gandhi made it 18 in 1986)
By that time I understood that they are considering me for a job in IMFA.I gave him my CV.
Then he said,’ Your qualification is just graduation and you are under age. But I find from your CV that you will be 21 next month.We can then appoint you as a clerk in our PR Department.’
- Clerk? I am already an Editor in a Publishing House .
I bluntly refused and came back. Later I came to know that he wanted to appoint his brother in law there.
Dr Panda was in their plant site at Therubali.I returned. Since my post card was to appreciate him and not for a job , I was not disturbed at all.
Some days after I met Dr Panda in a meeting at Bhubaneswar.
- ‘So, are you joining us,’ he asked.
- No Sir,I don’t want to be a clerk.
Then I told him,’Sir,please do something to promote Odia Literature and Culture.I wrote you a Post Card for that.’
In due course IMFA instituted an award for promotion of Odia Literature and nominated Dr Nityananda Satpathy as its Secretary. I joined Odisha Education Service and later NCERT from where I came to NBT.My uncle Sarat Chandra Mahapatra had edited a book and the first copy was to be presented to the then President of India Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma . A function at Rashtrapati Bhawan was organised for the purpose. I was sent by my uncle to invite Dr Panda who had a suite in Quatab Hotel to attend this programme.
He saw my card and looked at me in an affectionate eye.
- ‘You are the same boy.What are you doing in Delhi ?’ Dr Panda asked.
-‘ I am now an Editor with NBT Sir,’ I replied.
‘Our Manager, Public Relations has retired. Why don’t you join us ‘, Dr Panda said.
‘Thank you Sir. But, time has brought me to a great height. My father was an Editor and I always wanted to be that. It is not possible for me to accept your offer. Had it been in 1981 it could have been different ,’ I said politely.