Bhubaneswar(18/09/2023): Today is World Bamboo Day.
Bamboo has been declared as a grass since 2017 and bamboo-products are is gaining popularity in the market, both domestic and international.
Odisha Ray got an opportunity to have a small interaction with the Green Queen of Odisha Priyadarsini Das who is popularly known for her bamboo-based eco-friendly jewellery in the state.
Here is an excerpt of the interaction. OR: Today is World Bamboo Day.
Do you think bamboo has been given its due importance? PD: First of all, a very Happy Bamboo Day to you all! Yes, historically bamboo has been given its due importance and today it seems the relevance of bamboo as a grass/plant is getting a far better response world wide.
OR: Yes Madam, you are right.
But don’t you think the nature of importance given to bamboo has changed over a period of time. PD: Yes to an extent.
As I said bamboo is a cultural plant for us.
Look, bamboo is used from birth to death in our society.
However between the birth and death the way communities used bamboo in the past has definitely changed.
Plastic, metal and acrylic products have replaced a majority of the traditional bamboo products, thus marginalizing the bamboo artisanal community.
But I must say that bamboo was relevant yesterday, bamboo is relevant today and bamboo will always remain relevant tomorrow.
In the last couple of years, the demand for bamboo products is growing because of its sustainability tag. OR: You have always given importance to bamboo in your product line and popularized solid bamboo-based jewellery and accessories.
Would you please let our readers know about your special affinity to bamboo? PD: Thanks for asking me this interesting question to me.
True that I am passionate about bamboo.
Since my childhood, I do not remember how, but would make bamboo jewellery from cut-branches and the copper wire pieces from discarded electrical wires.
However, it was never taken seriously by anyone that time.
But I continued making jewellery and accessories for my own use and for friends on certain occasions, even though that was all an amateur activity.
In 2017, I rediscovered myself and got opportunity to work seriously again.
Experimented on bamboo-based product development, treatment and mix-media products by fusing bamboo with other eco-friendly raw materials including natural dyes.
Then, I got lot of appreciation and attention by different organizations and media for my work.
During the Covid19 pandemic time, I got more time and did lot of experiments on making jewellery and accessories. OR: You have always referred bamboo as a sustainable product.
Would you tell us about the sustainability aspect of bamboo please? PD: Thanks again for asking this question.
I am not a sustainability expert, but I got to know from people and other experts that bamboo is a climate resilient and climate friendly plant.
When the world is facing rising challenges of climate change, bamboo’s importance in considered for creating sustainable livelihood opportunities in rural and tribal areas.
Bamboo is a perennial grass and can be grown in varied climatic conditions.
It does not require much care, watering, pesticides or fertilizers.
Bamboo grows very fast and matures within two to three years.
Bamboo is known for giving 35% more oxygen in comparison to normal plants.
Therefore, bamboo is absolutely an amazing grass a lot to do with sustainability. OR: Your brand “Ecodarsini” has gained wide popularity as an eco-friendly and innovative initiative.
What is so special about your initiative? PD: The name Ecodarsini is a derivative of my name Priyadarsini.
The prefix Eco signifies the ecological orientation of my initiative.
I have done many experiments converting my kitchen into a Laboratory for developing many products initially only with bamboo, then with other eco-friendly materials like clay, waste wood, golden grass, palm leaf, handloom fabric, different types of natural nuts and seeds, natural dyes, and many more.
My products got lot of appreciations from different customer-base.
Ecodarsini tries to minimize its carbon footprint wherever it is possible and makes hundred percent biodegradable products.
There is no place for plastic, resin or acrylic materials in my product line. OR: One last question.
What would be your message today on this World Bamboo Day? PD: Thanks again.
Bamboo is a climate-friendly and wonderful grass having tremendous potential in creating massive green employment opportunities in rural and tribal areas.
Let us love bamboo, bamboo products and contribute in creating a bamboo-based economy in Odisha .