Bhubaneswar(21/02/2024): Article by Dr Meghna Singhal- The Therapist Mommy PhD clinical psychology Clinical psychologist & Relationship therapist. Polyamory is the practice of loving multiple people at the same time, in an open honest way, thereby not adhering to accepted social norms.
Unlike infidelity, polyamory is consensual and disclosed to everyone involved. Its gaining popularity around and world and in India due to several reasons:People are realizing that when it comes to relationships, one size fits all approach doesn’t work, Individuals who grew up in homes witnessing loveless marriages realize the mistakes their parents made and are striving not to repeat them.
Since monogamy didn’t work for many members of their family, they’re searching for other types of relationship formats, an increase in the use of dating apps and hookup culture has also led to people believing that one person shouldn’t be responsible for all our emotional and sexual pleasures. Challenges:The biggest challenge in polyamorous relationships is to ensure all partners are on the same page when it comes to emotional, physical, and sexual boundaries.
For example, when and whether to divulge details about relationships or your polyamorous status with others, how often to spend time with each other and other people, what sexual acts are OK and what are not, what safety practices everyone will follow and what constitutes cheating/infidelity. Another big challenge is the human nature of comparisons.
In polyamory, jealousy can surface readily How to combat these challenges:Agreeing on the emotional, physical and sexual boundaries and rules by all partners, supporting one another by displaying respect and courtesy (even if you don’t like your partner’s metamour (your partner’s partner who’s not romantically or sexually involved with you), expressing feelings and needs in an open and honest manner and allowing for comparison (the feeling of joy from seeing your partner happy with another partner- the opposite of jealousy). Misconceptions about polyamory -That polyamory means polygamy.
Polygamy involves marriage to more than one person and is different from polyamory. -That polyamory means swinging or spouse swapping.
Latter involves couples in established relationships having casual sexual encounters with other couples.
This isn’t what polyamory entails. -That only bisexual individuals are polyamorous.
The fact is that individuals of all orientations and identities may participate in polyamory. -That polyamory means open relationships.
Latter involves a committed couple agreeing that one or both partners are permitted to have sex with other people, without necessarily sharing information with the other partners.
In polyamory this information is openly shared with other partners.