Mar 24, 2024 - 23:37
Bhubaneswar(24/03/2024): World Tuberculosis (TB) Day was commemorated by the NGO SAHAYOG. It was a small but powerful and moving gathering at the Bhusandpur Health and Wellness Center as SAHAYOG NGO commemorated World TB Day.
The message echoed by Organization Secretary, Bijayalaxmi Rautaray, resonated with hope and determination.
She addressed the community, emphasizing that TB is a curable yet deadly disease and reminded everyone present that they were warriors in the battle against tuberculosis.
The focus shifted from being victims of the disease to actively fighting against it. The importance of spreading awareness about the availability of free, high-quality medication, diagnostics, and government support programs like the Nikshaya Poshan scheme was highlighted.
The stigma surrounding TB patients was acknowledged, but there was a shared sentiment that it was diminishing over time.
The challenges faced in treating TB in children were discussed, with cases of even the youngest patients battling complex health issues. Punam Salen, the ANM of the institution, added her voice to the discussion, emphasizing the need for early screening of babies with a family history of TB and ensuring they receive the necessary support.
The event concluded with a pledge from all present to actively work towards the elimination of TB within their community. In a heartwarming gesture, SAHAYOG, under their TB patient support initiative, extended their compassion by adopting two little twins, aged just one and a half years old.
By providing them with food and nutrition support, they aimed to alleviate the burden on the struggling family and ensure the twins received the care they needed.
This act of kindness underscored the collective commitment to caring for those affected by TB and working towards a healthier, TB-free future for all .